A Kingdom Heartbeat


John 15:5 Scripture verse


 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – Jesus
John 15:5 (NIV)

Lord, forgive me for my arrogant self-sufficiency. I live on auto-pilot in the strengths of talent or ability you’ve given me – as if I had generated them myself. I use those gifts to control my environment, avoid conflict, or live in ease.

How easily my head is puffed up and my heart wooed away, coming to you mainly in the crisis of my own limitations. And even then, I want to tell you how to fix a situation or solve a problem for my personal comfort or advantage. 
Lord, search my heart.
Reveal and heal what is at the root of this.

I want to lay my power-seeking down at your feet
and step into the shadow of Your protection and provision.
Please change this heart of mine to a heart full of dependence and gratitude for who You truly are.
Open my eyes.
Living in my own strength is wearisome, and a heavy burden.
Forgive me, Lord, for mindlessly attempting to run in my own strength.
I want to experience the rest You provide.

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